Benefits of Automated Email Workflows for e-Commerce

7 Benefits of Automated Email Workflows for e-Commerce

Automated email workflows are pre-written emails that are sent to customers following a specific trigger action. It allows you to send personalized, targeted messaging to particular customers after specific actions are taken on your website or interaction is made with your brand. From increasing engagement, sales, and website traffic, personalized brand experiences like automated email workflows have many benefits. In this blog post, we unpack some of the key benefits of automated email workflows specifically for e-commerce businesses.

1. It Is All Automatic

One of the most critical aspects of automated email workflows for e-commerce is that it is automatic. Once you’ve set up workflows for your brand, a sequence of emails is sent when a customer triggers it through a specific action. No matter what time a customer initiates an action, your workflow will automatically begin the sequence of emails. There is no manual intervention from you or your team that needs to take place – all you got to do is set it up!

2. Encourages Brand Consistency 

Automated email workflows help keep a brand consistent. Without worrying about scheduling or segmenting each email to a specific audience, you can spend more time crafting goal-driven, perfect messaging. Additionally, you can focus on keeping your brand voice, tone, identity, and user experience consistent across all platforms for all customers.

3. Allows You To Nurture Leads

Nurturing leads is the process of building relationships with potential customers, with the end goal being that they become part of your brand’s marketing funnel. By nurturing leads, you educate them about the benefits of products and incentivize them to make a purchase. Remember that not everyone that joins your email list is ready to make a purchase, so add them to an automated workflow that builds trust, highlights the value of your products, and gets them excited.

Automated email workflows are designed to nurture leads as it gives customers exactly what they want at a specific time. With workflows, you can give your customers relevant content, information, or products that they desire at particular times. Knowing your customers’ purchasing behavior is vital for automated emails to work, as this insight will help you choose the right trigger actions and times for workflows to begin. Through your workflows, leads get to know your brand, making them more receptive when approached with a sales offer.

4. Get Personal With Your Customers

Whether a Gen Z or Millenial, potential customers love the personalization! Personalized emails can lead to a higher purchase rate compared to a standardized, one-size-fits-all approach. More than just your name and email address, customers expect brands to know their location and hobbies too. Using email automation software, you can gather data from customers to build a digital footprint of each customer to help you personalize all contact points with your brand. Ensure that you set up workflow triggers based on the location, interests, and preferences of a customer to ensure a personalized experience. If a business can not personalize its communications with customers, it will simply move on to the next company that does.

5. Gather Crucial Data

Creating automated email workflows benefits your sales and marketing teams by giving them essential data that helps them do their job better. For your marketing team, metrics from email marketing campaigns can help hone in on the correct messaging to use. And for your sales team, you can better understand what content and emails potential and existing customers are engaging with. The information collected will make it easier to personalize sales offers and marketing materials and create relevant products or services.

6. Strategically Responses

Email marketing has to be strategic to work, so when creating your workflows, ensure that you keep them in line with your marketing goals. In addition, it needs to be engaging, dynamic, and evergreen, so it has the longevity to work throughout a campaign, sales, or trend cycle. If done correctly, your workflows should be planned carefully to meet a specific goal giving it purpose.

7. Saves You Time

Sending emails manually can be a tedious and time-consuming process that takes time away from important business matters. Because workflows are automated, there is no human involvement, which will help increase productivity and task management. All the planning and work is done upfront with email campaign workflows automatically being distributed according to various times or triggers — like joining your mailing list or abandoning their cart.

From nurturing leads to collecting essential data, your e-commerce business can dramatically benefit from automated email workflows. It is a no-brainer to add a few workflows to your company and see its impact on your sales and engagement. Remember to keep it personal, segmented, and authentic to your brand.



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