How Email Marketing Supports All Other Marketing Channels

How Email Marketing Supports All Other Marketing Channels

Customers expect seamless ways to learn about your brand, products, or services in ways and on platforms that they choose. To meet your customers’ expectations, you need to have multiple platforms where they can reach you. No marketing channel is an island, so a website alone won’t be effective enough to give you the results you desire. You must engage with customers through multi-channel marketing. Connecting all your marketing channels creates a multi-level marketing machine that promotes your brand on various platforms. This post looks at how email marketing supports other marketing channels and provides customers with the variety they desire.

Why Use Multi-Channel Marketing

Multi-channel marketing is all about reach! By communicating with your customers through different channels, you immediately increase your brand’s reach. Remember that some of your customers only see your content, products, or service on one channel — your social media following may not be on your email list or visit your website and vice versa. Therefore, it is essential to engage with customers through multiple channels to ensure that those interested in your products, services, or brand get the message.

By combining your marketing efforts through multiple efforts, you open up the opportunity to collect an enormous amount of customer data. Incorporating email into your multi-channel campaigns, you start to better understand your customer behavior through insightful reporting. In turn, this will allow you to create direct, targeted communications sent to different segments of your customer base.

Email Marketing Is Essential For Multi-Channel Marketing

Even though your social media and blog may be gaining customer attention, email marketing is the more practical solution and a great place to bring and keep all your marketing efforts together. No matter the marketing goal of your campaign, email provides direct links to platforms that allow customers to take immediate action. 

Ways To Integrate Other Marketing Channels Into Your Emails

Whether social media platforms, your brand blog, or an offering, email marketing provides the perfect platform for cross-promotion of various channels. Here are ways you can integrate multiple marketing channels into your email campaigns:

Email & Social Media

Integrating your brand’s social media into your email campaigns is easier than you think. Here are some clever ways to do so:

  • Add social media icons: Adding social media sharing and follow icons to your emails is a simple but effective way to increase your reach. You are introducing your email list to your social media in a nonaggressive way while expanding the visibility of your content. 
  • Include social media insights: Using integrated marketing analytics, you can see which email subscribers and leads have mentioned your brand on social media. Using this information, you can send targeted emails to those subscribers with targeted content, deals, and special offers.
  • Grow your email list: Using your brand’s social media presence, give your followers a reason to subscribe to your email list. Whether it is a discount code, a free gift, or exclusive access to a launch, entice your social media following with some worth subscribing to your mailing for.

Email & Blog 

Integrating your brand’s blog into your email campaigns can easily be done with direct links. It is a quick and easy way to get more reach and blog traffic, but you need to create content that your customers want to read. Your post has to have a catch, attention-grabbing title, a featured image, and a short blurb to ensure your email list clicks through to your blog and boosts website traffic.

Your brand’s blog can also be leveraged to grow your mailing list. Allow customers to get the latest news and updates on your brand’s blog by subscribing to your mailing list. Add a call to action pop-up that allows readers to simply subscribe to your brand blog. You can also segment those who sign up via your blog to a special email list whenever new content gets published. This is a great strategy to boost your blog traffic and a way of sharing relevant, engaging content in your email marketing campaigns.

Email & Mobile

We all know that mobile has exploded, which is reflected in the way people consume content, including emails. It is therefore essential that you create a strategy that reflects and is mobile compatible. Integrating mobile into your email campaign strategy means you need to ensure the following:

  • Testing email templates to ensure they work across different mobile devices.
  • Add call to action buttons, and links can easily be clicked using a touch screen device.
  • Optimize your landing pages and forms for mobile, so when someone clicks through from their tablet or cellphone, they can easily fill in their information.
  • Offer readers the option of viewing the email in both plain text and HTML.

Email marketing is a great channel that can truly benefit other marketing channels. Integrating your social media, mobile and content strategies with your email marketing strategy will provide you with opportunities to grow your audience, increase website traffic and boost engagement.



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