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Klaviyo vs. Mailchimp: Which Works Better With Shopify?

To truly be an e-commerce industry player in today’s market, it is essential that you create a seamless customer experience. To do this, you’ll need the right toolkit that will assist you in reaching your customers with relevant, personalized content across various marketing channels. Two powerful tools that continue to support businesses with customized email marketing when using Shopify are Mailchimp and Klaviyo. Even though these platforms offer similar solutions, there are many differences between them.

This article breaks down the relationship with Shopify, functionality, and user experience for both Mailchimp and Klaviyo. And let you know which one is the better option.

Spoiler alert: Klaviyo wins this one!

The Problem With Mailchimp

Mailchimp for Shopify users were thrown under the bus in 2019 after the e-commerce and email marketing giants decided to acrimoniously breakup. Both parties broke off their agreement over data security concerns on both sides. Effective from 12 May 2019, Mailchimp for Shopify would no longer be available for new downloads, leaving those looking for inexpensive, easy, and timely email support in the lurch. 

After Shopify updated its policy for app partners in May 2019, Mailchimp refused to comply and, therefore, was no longer in the Shopify App Store. The policy in question stated that the Shopify app collects specific customer data relevant to user’s business through a Shopify channel like your Shopify store or POS.

But it isn’t all bad news! Those users who had Mailchimp for Shopify before May 2019 will still have access to the app’s functionality. 

Alternatively, for new users who want to use the Mailchimp functionality, ShopSync by Mailchimp is the answer. ShopSync is an integration that syncs information from your Shopify store to Mailchimp, including your customers, orders, and products. The integration is less robust and delivers a fraction of the seamless data you get with Klaviyo + Shopify.

Mailchimp Pros

  • Integrations: Mailchimp offers over 250 native integrations compared to Klaviyo’s 100. Even though this number is high, it does not include one of the biggest integrations, Shopify.
  • Cost-effective: Mailchimp costs less than Klaviyo for lower tiers, but it’s focus is building beautiful emails. Klaviyo, on the other hand, uses AI and data science to calculate the probability, future spending, and the number of upcoming purchases. Deep data is integrated from Shopify (or WooCommerce) and available to trigger behavior-based, revenue-driving emails snd SMS messages. You’ll also need to fork out some additional cash for hidden fees post-purchase with Mailchimp.

Mailchimp Cons

  • Shopify: As mentioned above, not offering a native integration with the biggest e-commences platform is a massive issue.
  • Automation: Mailchimp has limited and confusing automation capabilities as it focuses solely on email marketing. Mailchimp offers simple email automation like retargeting and abandoned carts. Additional automations are promised, but it’s the underlying data access that is flawed – compared with Klaviyo.
  • Reporting: Lackluster reporting from Mailchimp misses the mark when stacked up against the power ROI-focused reporting from Klaviyo. The Klaviyo dashboard is an email marketer’s dream, proving clearly the high-value of the channel.

For those in the know, Mailchimp is seen as a platform for sending email, while Klaviyo makes its users money!

Moving Forward with Klaviyo

Klaviyo prides itself on being a tool that helps its users grow sales and revenue. With over 18,000 Mailchimp users have switched over to Klaviyo. According to Klaviyo, those users that have made the switch from Mailchimp have seen an average increase of 46% in total store revenue.

The email marketing app was built for e-commerce stores and makes automation, creating forms, and data collection easy and customizable. Klaviyo helps Shopify stores generate more sales with targeted, relevant emails. It is a simple one-click integration process with Shopify making it easy to get all your information onto the platform to start growing your business.

Klaviyo Pros

  • No hidden costs: Although Klaviyo’s pricing is higher than Mailchimp, it has no hidden fees. Once you invest in the tool, there is no additional cost. The Klaviyo monthly subscription includes the below that Mailchimp charges extra for: 
    • Unique coupon codes 
    • Back in stock automation
    • Advanced pop-ups
    • Segmentation
    • Multi-variate testing
    • Zapier integration
  • Shopify integration: Klaviyo offers integration with Shopify and seamlessly merges your data so you can quickly grow your e-commerce store.
  • More reach: Klaviyo assists store owners to reach and engage with potential customers using multiple channels, including email, website, social and in-app.
  • Easy onboarding: With its dedicated Customer Success Managers, Klaviyo helps 125,000 contacts at no additional cost. The manager provides customers with onboarding support and strategic advice. Chat and email support is available to all paid plans.

Klaviyo Cons

  • Higher costs: Klaviyo costs slightly more than Mailchimp, but your investment typically yields higher returns in the long run.

When deciding which platform to go with, it is essential that you consider all aspects, including features, pros, and cons. We at Duma highly recommend Klaviyo with Shopify or WooCommerce, but you know your business needs best.



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